welcome to test your own paranormal potential
the meaning of this test is to take a peace of papper and mark by eatch question true or not true, well check out yourself!


1..Some people be able to communicate by way of telpathy?..................yes...no.?

2..I enjoy unbecoming spontaneity activity ?...........................................yes...no.?

3..the spiritual mentale is of influence by recovery ?...............................yes...no.?

4..Feeling of guilt don't give me any trouble very long ?...........................yes...no.?

5..after decease some people schow they are still there ?........................yes...no.?

6..lost objects can be find with clearvoyance ?........................................yes...no.?

7..a safe home could give me the feeling of narrowness ?........................yes...no.?

8..there is some kind of form from life after death ?................................yes...no.?

9..I had a out of the body exprience or wish to have one ?...........................yes...no.?

10.some people provide events that still got to be happend ?.......................yes...no.?

11.my instuition is most of the time right ?.................................................yes...no.?

12.Astrology interest me(not in pappers) ?..............................................yes...no.?

13.I love open spaces ?..............................................................................yes...no.?

14.I love fairytales and other imaginary worlds ?.....................................yes...no.?

15.objects can be removed with pure mental force ?....................................yes...no.?

16.I had at least one experience from déjà vu in my life ?........................yes...no.?

17.I already see or heart a apparition in my life ?........................................yes...no.?

18.I remember my dreams often ?..........................................................yes...no.?

19.I enjoy the company of other people ?....................................................yes...no.?

20.I have the feeling that I be able to do anything I want ?..........................yes...no.?

21.superstition don't give me any trouble ?.................................................yes...no.?

22.I believe I own some healing paranormal gifts ?..................................yes...no.?

23.many people own a 6 sense ?............................................................yes...no.?

24.Ican easy "forget"myself in a activity ?...............................................yes...no.?

25.I rely on my ability to learn ?.................................................................yes...no.?

26.I can imagine smell's touches and sounds ?.......................................yes...no.?

27.my peronality shows to other people ?...............................................yes...no.?

28.I already consulted a medium once in my life or want to do that ?.......yes...no.?

29.I ame very intrested in psychology ?..................................................yes...no.?

30.I already been under hypnosis once or want to be ?...........................yes...no.?

31.esoterical notions intrested me ?.......................................................yes...no.?

32.I already been on a spiritualist seance.(meeting) ?..............................yes...no.?

33.I rarly be on time somwhere ?...........................................................yes...no.?

34.long term planning is nothing for me ?...................................................yes...no.?

35.nobody give me a feeling of inferiority ?..................................................yes...no.?

36.I used to truant a lot on school earlier ?............................................yes...no.?

37.some people act as medium for spiritual messages ?...............................yes...no.?

38.slovenlivess don't bother me ?...............................................................yes...no.?

39.speak in public is no problem for me ?...............................................yes...no.?

40.I can (or could) enjoy live alone ?.......................................................yes...no.?


0-15..it is unlikely that you have any paranormal gifts and never will have.and your potential will never develop because you don't believe or are not intrested in paranormal activity or you don't want to be involved
16-30..the lower the score the more sceptical you are,.you are relative unprejudiced what the subject concern.And you find it perhaps interesting to try some technics or find more out from the paranormal world.the higher you score the higher the change that you have some. paranormal gifts that you easely can develop.
31-40..It is quit certain that you got some paranormal gifts and that you are very interested in this subject.You got the personality to develop your gifts and maybe you already use your paranormal gifts a lot.
So I hope that you are intrested now in these material and that you will find your paranormal gifts if you got any,you will never know when you don't try ha .

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